Nov. 3rd 2018 ~ Nov. 13rd 2018
Nomad Gallery, Yeosu City, Korea
Blue Color로 자연을 대상으로 삶의 의식들을 들여다 본다.

잃어버린 것 들을
그리워 해야 하는 이유들이
가슴 켠 한쪽에서 자라고 있다.
아침이 오면 다시 밤을 그리워 하며
태양을 견디어 내야 한다.
때로는 속절없이 깊어가는 외로움은
검게 익은 밤이 되면
그리움에 닿기도 전에 사라진다.
새벽이 오면 슬픔을 주워 넣는다
그 주머니 속에서
슬픔들 끼리
위로를 나눈다.
Description /Shinho Khang
"절대 푸른 빛, 그건 아직도 채굴 중이다"
"스스로는 유일한 존재이지만, 다른 모든것들과 섞여가면서 무수하게 많은 이야기를 만들어내는 빛이다"
인간이 태생부터 편가르기 속성을 가지고 태어나나 보다.
옳고 그름과 좋고 나쁨에 대한 개인적 편견들이 그 어느때 보다도 난무 하는 작금이다.
‘진실’이라는 표찰을 찾기 위해 희생, 노력, 투쟁 등이 이루어지고 급기야는 숱한 전쟁을 유발하고 겪으면서 역사는 계속 순연되어 지며 그 ‘진실’을 찾기 위해 오늘도 여기저기서 이런 저런 전쟁들이 벌어지고 있다. 그 차디찬 현실 속에서 내가 살아가고 있는 것 이다.
누군가 내게 ‘이게 진실 이야’ 라고 나를 설득하려 할 때, 나는 거부한다. 그 진실이라고 말하는 것이 그 것을 바라본 사람의 편견이 아닐지….
지금 이 시대는 혼돈의 연속이다.
그 혼돈의 시대에, 사진으로 그 진실을 채굴 할 수 있느냐 라고 자문해 본다.
나의 진실이라고 믿는 나의 절대 푸른빛은 아마도 찾지 못할 수 도 있겠지만 계속되어지는 숱한 과정에서 Yellow, Red를 만나 그 절대빛들과 공조하여 세상의 모든 색을 만들 수 도 있을거라는 생각을 가져본다.
결코다른 어떤 색들과 결합하여도 만들어 내지 못하는 원색이지만, 그 원색들의 모임으로 세상을 변화 시킬 수 있을것이라는 생각에서 비롯한 작업들이다.
. “Absolute blue light, it's still being mined” It is one of the only colors, but it is a source of colors that can be made into countless colors when combined with other things. It seems that humans are born with the property of being sideways from birth. Personal prejudices about right and wrong and good and bad are more prevalent than ever. Sacrifice, effort, and struggle are made in order to find the label of 'truth', and eventually, as many wars have been triggered and suffered, history continues to pass through, and wars of this and that are fought here and there to find the 'truth'. I am living in that cold reality. When someone tries to convince me “It’s true”, I deny it. Perhaps saying that it is the truth is the prejudice of the person who saw it... Now, this era is a series of chaos. In that age of chaos, ask yourself whether you can mine the truth with photos. I may not be able to find the absolute blue light that I believe is my truth, but I have the idea that I will be able to create all the colors of the world by meeting Yellow and Red in the process of continuing. Although it is a primary color that cannot be created even if it is combined with any other colors, it is the work that originated from the idea that a group of primary colors could change the world in a harmonious and diverse manner.
Description /Kiwon Lee
The reasons to miss what you have lost are growing in a scrap of your heart. When we face the morning, miss the night again and should endure the sun. Sometimes, the loneliness that grows deeply without help becomes a sad cry before reaching longing on the dark ripe night. When dawn comes, it picks up sadness. In those pockets, sadness touches each other's wounds.
Uh... The deeper, more than dark blue light, as the darkness of the universe gets deeper, the moon emits a deeper blue color and makes the world fall into myth. After that, the world gradually faded, and faded by the sun turns into history (reality). Shinho-Khang's deep blue paints the deep blue light created by the moon into a neat photo like this through the color of the photo. In his photographs, the image of the inner flesh that is different from reality is photographed. His photographic dignity is enhanced by appropriately borrowing the dreamy blue color of his own photographic story while striking a tightrope between ordinary and typical scenery. Beyond the unprecedented vertical frame shown in the previous exhibition, the mythical landscape of deeper and dreamy was woven with a deeper, more detailed, and microscopic perspective, and appeared in front of us again as a more neat framed photograph. When, where, and what caused depression and anxiety in reality? As if he solved the problems of reality in a way that goes back to the past through Balter Benjamin's "Arcade Project" method... ...And thus the process of finding out the cause of the problems faced in reality. After the blue has cleared, myths disappear and extreme reality appears. Dreaming is the happiest time.
Shin Shin Kang's photographs are still a fantasy seen in a dream. When the moon rises on the sea, on the city skyline, or on your field, the whole world is desolate and turns into an ugly blue light in the desolation, erasing all depression, sadness, and tears. The imagination of the fierce reality situation that takes place around the time when the green hour is over and the sun is dyed by the sun... He inadvertently pushes it away from the audience. The picture of this exhibition is the next work, Merso's intro.
Shinho Khang, Undefined blue, Pigment Print, 44 x 33cm x 3ea, 2018
Shinho Khang, Undefined blue, Pigment Print, 44 x 33cm x 3ea, 2018